Anti-Ragging Cell


Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya, established in 1985 in the district of Hooghly in Balagarh Block, affiliated to the University of Burdwan, is named after Sri Bijoy Krishna Modak, the noted freedom fighter, renowned educationist and the legendary mass leader of national stature. This college sets and defines the exemplary standards of behavior for everyone associated with the Institution, especially students to ensure that everyone feels able to always do the right thing. The Anti-Ragging Cell of the College ensures strict adherence to the anti-ragging rules of the UGC. The students can report any such incident to this cell. Ragging is banned in the College and the College shall strictly observe the provisions of the UGC about ragging. The UGC defines ‘ragging’ as “any conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or junior student or asking the students to do any act  or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of  a fresher or a junior student”

All students are required to go to the website and fill the Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form, and download the filled in form, print and submit the filled up affidavit to the college office. The College believes in zero tolerance to ragging. The students are advised to follow the code of conduct for students and stay away from ragging or such practices. Strict disciplianary action to be taken upon any complaint pertaining to ragging or such practices. Any Ragging related Complaint may be submitted through the College Website, through formal complaint letter or by contacting the members of Anti- raggingcell and squad.

UGC Circular: Details


The  ANTI-RAGGING CELL of this College constituted as per WB Notification No.30(23)-SSS (A/CS/T)/2023 dated 14.8.2023  consists of the following members:

1. Dr. Pratap Banerjee, Principal, Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya, (9830343752, 03213-260288)

2. Officer-in-Charge, Balagarh Police Station, Balagarh, Hooghly, WB (03213-260290)

3. Dr. Biswajit Paul-Convener of the Cell (7003554936)

4. Biswajit Mondal, Journalist (7602028686)

5. Ramprasad Halder, Alumnus (9831073021)

6. Prof. Santu Pan, P.O. NSS, Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya

7. Dr. Asima Halder, Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya, (9434208415)

8. Prof. Arnab Ghosh, Teacher

9. Sri N.C. Mondal, NTS

10. Smt. Aliviya Chakraborty ,Senior Student

11. Sri Ishan Debnath, Junior Student



1. Dr. Pratap Banerjee, Principal, Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya,      9830343752, 03213-260-288

2. Dr. Asima Halder, Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya, 9434208415

3. .Prof. Uday Ghosh- SACT in Physics 

4. .Prof. Sk. Saifuddin – SACT in History 

5. Prof. Arnab Ghosh -SACT in Commerce

6. Sri N.C. Mondal, NTS

All students are required to click on the link given above, go to the website and fill the Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form, and download the filled in form, print and submit the filled up affidavit to the college office.

(To know how to  Fill-up the form - Click Here)

Policy Document: Anti Ragging Committee


Ragging is a social menace which has no place in Academic environment of the University and concerted efforts required to be in place to prevent its occurrence at any point of time. The Policy of the Institute is to make the campus fully “Anti-ragging campus” in line with UGC/AICTE guidelines.

Functions of University Anti-Ragging Committee

  • To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on any acts amounting to ragging.
  • To publicize to all students’ prevalent directives and the actions that can be taken against those indulging in ragging.
  • To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report along with recommendation on punishment for the offenders.
  • Oversee the procedure of obtaining undertaking from the students in accordance with the provisions.
  • Conduct workshops against ragging menace and orient the students.
  • To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the person(s) identified to receive complaints/distress calls.
  • To offer services of counselling and create awareness to the studentsTo take all necessary measures for prevention of Ragging inside the Campus/Hostels.  

Procedure for handling issues of ragging is as follows:

The information on ragging can be received in the following manner:

  • Through the notified contact details of the Committee members,
  • Through national help-line number of UGC on ragging for necessary relief.
  • Through any other member of the Institute.
  • From any external source.

Follow up actions on complaints:

  • In the event of receipt of information of ragging by any of the officers mentioned at (i) above, he/she will promptly alert/inform the Chair of the Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute or any of its members. The activity shall be completed, at the most, within two hours of receipt of this information.
  • The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall promptly conduct a preliminary on the spot enquiry and collect prima facie details of the incident as available. The preliminary investigation/details of the incident shall be immediately brought to the notice of the Chairman of the Committee. The activity shall be completed, at the most, within twenty-four hours of receipt of information.
  • The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall promptly conduct enquiry into the incidents.
  • The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall complete the enquiry and submit its report along with recommendations to the Chairman of the AntiRagging Committee of the Institute within fifteen days of the incident.
  • Thereafter, the said report and recommendations shall be considered by the Anti- Ragging Committee for recommending the punishment on the erring students.

Empowering Anti-Ragging Committee by the University:

The Institute will constitute, empower and support the work of Anti-ragging committee in all respects.

Initiatives to prevent the menace of ragging:

  • Anti-ragging committee members are encouraged to attend meetings/ seminars on Anti ragging to keep abreast of recent issues and solutions.
  • Posters on Anti ragging received from UGC put up on prominent places in the institute.?Conduct competitions like essay/slogan writing, posters and paintings etc. on menace of ragging to create awareness among students on the issues and derive solutions from the student quarter.
  • Organizing rallies within and outside the campus as an awareness generation measure.

Annual Reports: 2023-20242022 -2023 , 2021-20222019-2020, 2018-2019